Media Freedom Opinion South Africa


Elections 2024

Siviwe Gwarube tells us why the DA could help South Africa succeed!

Siviwe Gwarube tells us why the DA could help South Africa succeed!

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    How to design a kick-butt media self-regulation system

    Self-regulation by the press and access to our courts by complainants need not be mutually exclusive. In fact, annulling the so-called "waiver" for complainants who approach the Press Council will strengthen public perception that it really is a body intent on ensuring the highest ethical standards in journalism in South Africa.
    How to design a kick-butt media self-regulation system

    Joe Thloloe, the Press Council's venerable ombudsman, often points out that reforming the self-regulatory structure is not about appeasing the ANC.

    He's entirely right - we need to deal with the merits of ANC criticisms separately from any underlying political agendas.

    Redressing internal weaknesses will undercut much of the external criticism. But sustainable self-regulation in the longer-term also depends on the system actually improving journalists' adherence to ethics - and, through that, a strengthened press service to society.

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    Source: Daily Maverick

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    About Guy Berger

    Guy Berger is part of the School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University. A long-standing media activist and academic, he has written extensively on the self-regulation vs the media appeals tribunal debate. Follow him on Twitter at @guyberger.
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